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43. Raytek L, Saltzman B, Sharma M, Lee SG, Dastmalchi M.  (2025) Chalcone isomerase-like impedes the lactone shunt and enhances flux partitioning in a bifurcated pathway towards isoflavonoid biosynthesis.  Metab. Eng. (under review)

42. Chen J*, Chen L*, Quan H,
Lee SG, Khan KF, Xie Y, Valero M, Deng B, Li Q, Dai Z, Xie CY (2024) A Comparative Analysis with Insights into hACE2 and SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Interactions Across Variants of Concern (VOC). Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25(15), 8032 (*equal contribution)

41. Lee CY, Harper CP,
Lee SGQi Y, Clay T, Aoi Y, Jez JM, Kasahara H, Blodgett JA, and Kunkel BN (2024) Investigating the biosynthesis and roles of the auxin phenylacetic acid during Pseudomonas syringae-Arabidopsis thaliana pathogenesis.  Front. Plant Sci. 15, 1408833

Lin F, Nguyen J, Baldwin C, Lee SG, Hesketh P, Lam W, Lee H (2024) Rapid Benchtop Fabrication Method of 3D Microfluidic Solenoid Channels for Point-of-Care Testing for Early Detection of Viral Infection. IEEE ORSS (10.1109/ORSS62274.2024.10697953)

39. Lee SG, Torres-Rodriguez MD, Choudhury SR, Paul R, Selvam B, Shukla D, Jez JM, Pandey S (2024) Structure-function analysis of plant G-protein regulatory mechanisms identified key Gα-RGS protein interactions. J Biol Chem 300, 107252

38. Pintado A, Domínguez-Cerván H, Pastor V, Vincent M, Lee SG, Flors V, Ramos C (2023) Allelic variation in the IAA-lysine synthase gene of the bacterial phytopathogen Pseudomonas savastanoi and its role in host specificity.  Front. Plant Sci. 14:1176705

37. Aubuchon L*, Schmiederer K*, Lee SG (2023) Comparative Structural Analysis of Plant Uridine Diphosphate (UDP)-dependent Glycosyltransferases (UGTs) in Plant Specialized Metabolism: Structures of Plant UGTs for Biosynthesis of Steviol Glycosides. Phytochem Rev 22, 385–406 (2023) (*equal contribution)

36. Bare A*, Thomas J*, Etoroma D*, Lee SG (2023) Functional analysis of phosphoethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PMT) in plants and parasites: essential S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM)-dependent methyltransferase in choline and phospholipid metabolism. Methods Enzymol 680:101-137 (*equal contribution)

35. Glenn KC, Silvanovich A, Lee SG, Allen A, Parks S, Dunn SE, Kessinich C, Vicini J, Jez JM (2022) Biochemical and clinical studies of putative allergens to assess what distinguishes them from other non-allergenic proteins in the same family. Transgenic Research 31, 507-24

34. Holland CK, Lee SG (2021) The Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry, 3rd Edition, Chapter: Sulfur amino acid metabolism. Elsevier 1, 114-126

33. Zhang K*, Lee JS*, Liu R*, Chan ZT, Dawson TJ, De Togni ES, Edwards CT, Eng IK, Gao AR, Goicouria LA, Hall EM, Hu KA, Huang L, Kizhner A, Kodama KC, Lin AZ, Liu JY, Lu AY, Peng OW, Ryu EP, Shi S, Sorkin ML, Walker PL, Wang GJ, Xu MC, Yang RS, Cascella B, Cruz W, Holland CK, McClerkin SA, Kunkel BN, Lee SG, Jez JM (2020) Investigating the reaction and substrate preference of indole-3-acetaldehyde dehydrogenase from the plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae PtoDC3000. Biosci Rep 40, BSR20202959 (*equal contribution)

32. Lee SG*, Harline K*, Abar O, Akadri SO, Bastian AG, Chen HY, Duan M, Focht CM, Groziak AR, Kao J, Kottapalli JS, Leong MC, Lin JJ, Liu R, Luo JO, Meyer CM, Mo AF, Pahgn SH, Penna V, Raciti CD, Srinath A, Sudhakur S, Tang JD, Cox BR, Holland CK, Cascella B, Cruz W, McClerklin SA, Kunkel BN, Jez JM (2020) The plant pathogen enzyme AldC is a long-chain aliphatic aldehyde dehydrogenase. J Biol Chem 295, 13914-26 (*equal contribution)

31. Lee SG, Chung MS, DeMarsilis AJ, Holland CK, Jaswaney RV, Jiang C, Kroboth JHP, Kulshrestha K, Marcelo RZW, Meyyappa VM, Nelson GB, Patel JK, Petronio AJ, Powers SK, Qin PR, Ramachandran M, Rayapati D, Rincon JA, Rocha A, Rodinho Nunes Ferreira JG, Steinbrecher MK, Yao K, Zhang EJ, Zou AJ, Gang M, Sparks M, Cascella B, Cruz W, Jez JM (2020) Structural and biochemical analysis of phospho ethanolamine methyltransferase from the pine wilt nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.  Mol Biochem Parasitol 238, 111291

30. Edwards RL, Heueck I, Lee SG, Shah IT, Jezewski AJ, Miller JJ, Mikati MO, Wang X, Brothers RC, Heidel KM, Burnham CA, Alvarez S, Fritz SA, Dowd CS, Jez JM, Odom-John AR (2020) Potent, specific MEPicides for treatment of zoonotic staphylococci. PLoS Pathogens  16, e1007806

29. Lee SG, Salomon E, Yu O, Jez JM (2019) Molecular basis for branched steviol glucoside biosynthesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 116, 13131-6

28. Lee SG*, Kumar R*, Augustine R*, Reichelt M, Vassao DG, Palavalli MH, Allen A, Gershenzon J, Jez JM, Bisht NC (2019) Molecular basis of the evolution of methylthioalkylmalate synthase and the diversity of methionine-derived glucosinolates. Plant Cell 31, 1633-47

27. Sherp AM, Lee SG, Schraft E, Jez JM (2018) Modification of Auxinic Phenoxyalkanoic Acid Herbicides by the Acyl Acid Amido Synthetase GH3.15 from ArabidopsisJ Biol Chem 293, 17731-8
26. Fellows R, Russo CM, Lee SG, Jez JM, Chisholm JD, Zubieta C, Nanao MH (2018) Iridoid synthase from Plantago major:  structural and functional evolution of catalytic activity in a reductase superfamily. Sci Rep 8, 14796
25. Vallone A, D'Alessandro SD, Brogi S, Brindisi M, Chemi G, Alfano G, Lamponi S, Lee SG, Jez JM, Koolen K, Dechering K, Saponara S, Fusi F, Gorelli B, Taramelli D, Parapini S, Caldelari R, Campiani G, Gemma S, Butini S (2018) Antimalarial agents against both sexual and asexual parasite stages:  structure-activity relationships and biological studies of the Malaria Box compound 1-[5-(4-bromo-2-chlorophenyl)furan-2-yl)]-N-[(piperidin-4-yl)methyl]methanamine (MMV019918) and analogues. Eur J Med Chem 150, 698-718 
24. Lee SG*, McClerklin SA*, Nwemeh R, Jez JM, Kunkel BN (2018) Indole-3-acetaldehyde dehydrogenase dependent auxin synthesis contributes to virulence of Pseudomonas syringae strain DC3000 (*equal contribution). PLoS Pathog 14, e1006811
23. Lee SG, Jez JM (2017) Conformational changes in the di-domain structure of Arabidopsis phosphoethanolamine methyltransferase leads to active site formation. J Biol Chem 292, 21690-702 (*JBC Editor’s Pick, Cover Article - December 29, 2017)
22. Schenck CA, Holland CK, Schneider MR, Men Y, Lee SG, Jez JM, Maeda HA (2017) Molecular basis of the evolution of alternative tyrosine biosynthetic pathways in plants. Nature Chem Biol 13, 1029-35 
21. Cascella B, Lee SG, Singh S, Jez JM, Mirica LM (2017) The small molecule JIB-04 disrupts O2 binding in the Fe-dependent histone demethylase KDM4A/JMJD2A. Chem Commun 53, 2174-7
20. Jez JM, Lee SG, Sherp AM (2016) The next green movement:  plant biology for the environment and sustainability. Science 353, 1241-4 
19. Hackenberg D, McKain MR, Lee SG, McCann T, Schreier S, Choudhury SR, Harkess A, Pires JC, Wong GK, Jez JM, Kellogg EA, Pandey S (2016) Ga:RGS protein pairs maintain functional compatibility and conserved interaction interfaces throughout evolution despite frequent loss of RGS proteins in plants. New Phytologist 216, 562-575
18. Lee SG, Nwumeh R, Jez JM (2016) Structure and mechanism of isopropylmalate dehydrogenase from Arabdiopsis thaliana: insights on leucine and aliphatic glucosinolate biosynthesis. J Biol Chem 291, 13421-30 (*JBC Paper of the Week
17. Herrmann J, Nathin D, 
Lee SG, Sun T, Jez JM (2015) Recapitulating the structural evolution of redox-regulation in adenosine-5'-phosphosulfate kinase from cyanobacteria to plant. J Biol Chem 290, 24705-14 

16. Cahoon RE, Lutke WK, Cameron JC, Chen S, Lee SG, Rivard RS, Rea PA, Jez JM (2015) Adaptive engineering of phytochelatin-based heavy metal tolerance. J Biol Chem 290, 17321-30
15. Lee SG*, Bhuiya M*, Jez JM, Yu O (2015) Structure and mechanism of ferulic acid decarboxylase (FDC1) from Saccharomyces cerevisiaeAppl Environ Micro 81, 4216-23 (*equal contribution) 
14. Korasick DA, Chatterjee S, Tonelli M, Dashti H, Lee SG, Westfall CS, Andreotti AH, Amarasinghe GK, Strader LC, Jez JM (2015) Defining a two-pronged structural model for PB1 (Phox/Bem1p) domain interaction in plant auxin responses. J Biol Chem 290, 12868-78
13. Lee SG*, Saen-oon S*, Jez JM, Guallar V (2014) An alternate mechanism for the methylation of phosphoethanolamine catalyzed by Plasmodium falciparum phosphoethanolamine methyltransferase. J Biol Chem 289, 33815-25 (*equal contribution) (*JBC Paper of the Week)
12. Lee SG, Krishnan HB, Jez JM (2014) Structural basis for regulation of rhizobial nodulation and symbiosis gene expression by the regulatory protein NolR. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111, 6509-14 (*featured in Seed Today May 2014; 2014 Argonne National Lab Annual Scientific Report
11. Korasick DA, Westfall CS, Lee SG, Nanao M, Dumas R, Hagen G, Guilfoyle TJ, Jez JM, Strader LC (2014) Molecular basis for auxin response factor protein interaction and the control of auxin response repression. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111, 5427-32
10. Lee SG, Jez JM (2014) Nematode phospholipid metabolism: an example of closing the genome-structure-function circle. Trends Parasitol 30, 241-50 
9. Herrmann J, Ravilious GE, McKinney SE, Westfall CS, Lee SG, Baraniecka P, Giovannetti M, Kopriva S, Krishnan HB, Jez JM (2014) Structure and mechanism of soybean ATP sulfurylase - the committed step in plant sulfur assimilation. J Biol Chem 289, 10919-29 
8. Yi H, Dey S, Kumaran S, Lee SG, Krishnan HB, Jez JM (2013) Structure of soybean serine acetyltransferase and formation of the cysteine regulatory complex as a molecular chaperone. J Biol Chem 288, 30463-72 
7. Lee SG, Jez JM (2013) Evolution of structure and mechanistic divergence in di-domain methyltransferases from nematode phosphocholine biosynthesis. Structure 21, 1778-87 
6. Ravilious GE, Herrmann J, Lee SG, Westfall CS, Jez JM (2013) Kinetic mechanism of a dimeric ATP sulfurylase from plants. Biosci Rep 33, e00053 
5. Lallemand LA, Zubieta C, Lee SG, Wang Y, Acajjaoui S, Timmins J, McSweeney S, Jez JM, McCarthy JG and McCarthy AA (2012) A structural basis for the biosynthesis of the major chlorogenic acids found in coffee. Plant Physiol 160, 249-60 
4. Lee SG, Alpert TD, Nagata A, Jez JM (2012) Crystal structure of phosphoethanolamine methyltransferase from Plasmodium falciparum in complex with amodiaquine. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 22, 4990-3
3. Lee SG, Kim Y, Alpert TD, Nagata A, Jez JM (2012) Structure and reaction mechanism of phosphoethanolamine methyltransferase from the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum - an anti-parastic drug target. J Biol Chem 287, 1426-34 (*JBC Paper of the Week; featured in ASBMB Today, JBC Podcast, Washington University Record, DOE Basic Energy Sciences News, and Voice of America
2. Lee SG, Haakenson W, McCarter JP, Williams DJ, Hresko MC, Jez JM (2011) Thermodynamic evaluation of ligand binding in the plant-like phosphoethanolamine methyltransferases of the parasitic nematode Haemonchus contortusJ Biol Chem 286, 38060-8
1. Lee SG, Jez JM (2011) The phosphobase methylation pathway in Caernorhabditis elegans : a new route to phospholipids in animals. Curr Chem Biol 5, 183-8 

PUBLICATIONS - Education, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

6. Lim K, & Lee SG (2024). STREAM: Integrating Storytelling and Robotics into STEAM Education. International Journal of Art & Design Education (in revision)


5. Lim K, & Lee SG (2024). Integrating Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) for Intercultural Understanding: Exploring Cultures and Art through Emerging Technologies. International Journal of Education Through Art (in press)


4. Lim K, & Lee SG (2022). Defining belonging in classrooms: Collected narratives from two educators in art and science at higher education. BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) alliances: Building communities and curricula (the ‘Curriculum and Pedagogy’ book series) (pp. 91-101).  Information Age Publishing


3. Lim K, Lee SG (2022) Science and visual arts integrated curriculum through virtual reality (VR)-mediated STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education. European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, (5th Edition) (pp. 78-86).  European Network Qualitative Inquiry


2. Lim K, Lee SG (2022) Transcending Physical Mobility for Immersive Learning: Visual Arts, VR Technology, Science, and Social Studies Integration.  Art Education 75(4) (Journal of the National Art Education Association)


1. Lee SG, Fleming J, Fritzler P (2020) Digital Makerspace for Chemical Education. Makerspaces for Adults: Best Practices and Great Projects (pp. 159-165).  Rowman & Littlefield

Kennesaw State University  |  College of Science and Mathematics  |  Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology

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